Love America Style

Blame the old TV show ‘Love America Style’… “Do it in the red white blue…” for somehow making 4th of July in my opinion the sexiest of holidays.  You can have Valentines day, I’m not a fan. I find nothing romantic about a ‘made for Hallmark’ holiday. It is way more thrilling to get cards, candy, flowers etc.… on any random day—just cause. Now that is romantic!

For those unfamiliar with the show ‘Love America Style’ its on YouTube. It was a TV show from the 70s that I’m sure I was too young to be watching, but a single mom can’t control everything.  My older brothers probably understood the sexy innuendo more than me. The theme song lyric’s were “love America style…do it in the red white blue” and the accompanying visual was of fireworks exploding in the air. I wonder what Freud would of thought of this? Hmmmm

Anyhow the short vignettes always had to do with love, sex and romance. By today’s standards adorably quaint, back then very scandalous for TV. Or maybe it was my age and the reaction of my mother when she found us watching the program.

Anyhow I love fireworks and so I loved the opening credits of this show.

Maybe it was that show or something else but I think there is nothing more romantic than a long summer day followed by a warm summer night lying on the beach watching fireworks over the ocean hopefully with someone you would like to do it with in the red white and blue. Happy 4th.


I Confess

”I wouldn’t take it as a compliment if someone looked at one of my shoes and said, ‘Oh, that looks like a comfortable shoe.’ There is a heel that is too high to walk in, certainly. But who cares? You don’t have to walk in high heels.

Christian Louboutin

Mr. Louboutin I confess I am a huge fan of your work. I adore your shoes, for their beauty and god knows they are not comfortable. But most of us still have to walk, at least a bit, even in your shoes. I know the valet to the table is a short walk, or the car to the bedroom but still some walking happened. Unless we can all get carried about Cleopatra style to every room/ event. Which I’m not against, but for practical purposes it’s hard to travel this way. Everywhere I go I need 4 men to carry me on a chaise. Okay this is a better idea than I originally thought, but still not realistic.

I confess I love skyscraper high CFM heels, I wear them and I know they are bad for my feet, knees, hips and back. What makes it worse (full confession) I am a licensed physical therapist. Yup technically Dr. Laura. So I REALLY know how horrible these beauties are for my body. Its like finding out your doctor smokes. I would never let my patients see me in the shoes I love; they are very hard on your body. They cause foot deformities, nerve entrapment, increase arthritic changes in feet, knees and hips and are just plain horrible on spinal alignment leading to a barrage of lumbar problems.

And yes I still wear them. I justify it by only wearing them on stage or in the above-mentioned scenarios, but still I know they are not healthy. Will I stop—no.

We all have vices and bad habits, I don’t eat fast food, I don’t smoke, I wear sunscreen, I exercise and I don’t drink soda…. I could go on for a while of all my healthy choices— but for now I will carry on with my vice, my addiction. I confess I’m not ready to end my obsession – I’m sorry feet.





I Believe in Love

I believe in love. 

But I know hate is real.

I believe in justice.

But injustice happens all the time.

I believe people deserve to feel joy, but sadly millions have no idea what joy is.

I believe in kindness, because it really does matter.

I believe a good nights sleep can help everyone see things more clearly.

I think a lot of personal challenges can be helped by chocolate, hugs, laughing and by a caring listener.

And I believe education is the only way we can evolve into to a better more tolerant society.

Hate, and their crimes are born from fear.  Fear is insecurity and ignorance and sadly those who are ignorant teach it.

I don’t have the answers. I don’t profess to know how to solve the world’s complicated issues, but what we collectively are doing is clearly not working. Time to try something else. Hate, blame, lapels and finger pointing has not improved our world.

I think John Lennon was heading us in a good direction…

“Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people living life in peace,

You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one

I hope some day you’ll join us…”

Just for a day try some extra kindness—maybe we can start a positive revolution.



History Repeats Itself

Maybe if you lived in a cave you might not have heard this phase, history repeats itself. Is it true? Well yes and hopefully no. There are a few too many horrible historical events I hope will never be repeated. But I do know fashion repeats itself. Some fashions when they return are welcome and others I always wanna know why. Lets pray mullets will never return, but I can guarantee you at some point they will. Fanny packs can die forever as well. And as a lover of beautiful shoes I hope crocs never return. But honestly I never would of guessed there would be a return of neon. I am (barely;o) old enough to remember the last time neon was the rage. And when it finally was extinguished from society it was nearly burned at the stake. I remember seeing many “ friends don’t let friends wear neon” t-shirts. The fashion trend did not just fade away; it was chased out of town with venom. By the time neon was out it was hated. But low and behold it’s back. And not hated, actually it looks kinda fresh and new. And I can’t believe but I just purchased neon athletic shoes—and I really like the brightness. So friends no intervention is needed, of my own free will I choose to wear neon.  History has repeated.


Sometimes it’s Done

Just like jobs, vacations, relationships and yes shoes, sometimes you just have to call it like it is, done. When I travel I try to streamline the shoe assortment to the bare minimum. Shoes are heavy and take up a lot of space in luggage. Plus I like to travel as light as possible. Less stuff means less to haul around. Which is so much easier if you are on a lot of trains, planes and subways… etc. A big heavy suitcase is cumbersome, annoying and exhausting to lug around.

I also like to travel with items, clothes and particularly shoes that are on their way out i.e. done. Getting one last spin out of them before setting them free in the world. Sadly I don’t know their fate after I have released them, but I hope they found a new purpose. One pair of shoes I loved called my NYC shoes I actually gave a watery funeral and threw them in the Hudson River. They were spectacular filigreed red velvet pumps but their life was over and deserved to be put to rest. My friend Dana and I each threw in a shoe and then cheered to the fun experiences enjoyed while donning these beauties.

My latest adventure I deemed Laurapalooza, rather pretentious sounding, but I really only meant it as fun.  During this holiday aka Laurapalooza I left a very serviceable workhorse pair of CFMs in Brussels. These shoes were by no means a favorite, but I did like them and they served me well. They cruised all over the Mediterranean last year with me and went on two military tours. I will forever fondly remember them as the shoes I was wearing when I fell off stage while performing in Moron, Spain. I am so lucky not to have really hurt myself.  Four feet into the abyss is a big drop. Yes the spot light was that bright. I could see nothing including the edge of the stage. That whole night is another story for another time.

Why did this pair get to travel so much? Because they were easy to match with many things and they were not among my pricey favorites. Never travel with anything you can’t bare to lose, words of wisdom. Trust me. As an added bonus I procured these babies on sale, deeply on sale in Boston. Thank you my road worthy friend, we traveled well together. Adieu.


Trickle up & Designer Shoes

As in fashion just like in economics there are the theories about where fashion trends come from. Do the less wealthy try to emulate the rich and famous i.e. trickle down. Or do the haute couture houses get ideas from the creatives on the street i.e. trickle up. And then manufacture the items with costly materials and a fancy brand name. Which allows them to charge insane prices because we like the quality. I mean the prestige or the fancy shop in which we procured the item. Its true, shopping in a posh boutique is always far more delightful than scouring the rakes at Ross.

Anyhow because I’m a keen observer in footwear trends (its hobby of mine if you haven’t noticed yet) I have noted in the last few years much more trickle up rather than trickle down in shoe styles.

I was in Monaco last week, you know like everyone ;o) It is one of the wealthiest countries in the world per capita. Of course the country is the size of a pimple in the grand scheme of things. There were Ferraris and designer everything is everywhere. So I was window-shopping because that is still free when I ran across a window display at the Gucci boutique. These shoes are very reminiscent of past designs from Betsey Johnson and the Taylor Says brands. Not cheap brands in the least but compared to Gucci they are at least in the I don’t need to take out a loan price range. And if you want to get  even grittier the recent designs in higher end brands are really coming from the streets, think Melrose Ave the non fancy part to the east, those familiar with LA. Anyhow I like it. I like that these shoes are fun. The ultra rich shouldn’t have to wear boring shoes just cause they have money.  Ferragamo makes excellent shoes, not question but no one will ever excuse them of being playful. Three cheers for fun!




I Love Summer

Many people have a favorite season. I love the long days of summertime sunshine. I know surprising if you have ever seen me in person since I am glow in the dark white.  But I am truly solar powered.  Summer gives me energy. It makes me feels like I can do anything. The attitude of summer is less serious and more fun, attributes I live my life in quest of achieving.  No other season has vacation attached to its identity.  I know its not technically not summer yet (summer solstice is June 20th) But the last week at least in Southern Cali has been full of glorious perfect days – just like summer.

Summertime is even one of my favorite songs from Gershwin’s classic to Sublime’s version. Inspiring hope and love.
So get cracking! Plan a holiday, BBQ, bonfire on the beach or impromptu patio party and invite me. Or just follow me – and I’ll find the fun I have a knack for it.

Happy (almost) summer

Opening Day and Great Movies

“An Opener is not like any other game. There’s that little extra excitement, a faster beating of the heart. … You know that when you win the first one, you can’t lose ’em all.” – Early Winn

This week marked Opening Day for major league baseball. It is our National Pastime’s unofficial holiday. And it is kind of exciting to be an Opening Day game. It’s a good excuse to sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” loud and proud, who doesn’t love a group sing along?!? And the smell the peanuts and cracker jacks somehow makes you happy and hungry. It’s a day where more students and office employees have ‘doctor appointments’ than any other day of the year. And hope reigns supreme for every team believing they have a chance this year to be great. Wouldn’t it be great if we all had a day like this in our personal life? The slate is clean, the errors of the past are gone and anything can happen. Opening day: a day for moving forward and leaving the past in the past.

If you can’t get excited about Baseball, watch some of these movies. I bet you will wanna go a game.

My faves – not in order Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, The Natural, A League of Their Own, The Pride of the Yankees, Bang the Drum Slowly and two funny and guilty pleasure baseball movies, Major League and The Bad News Bears.

And yes every sport has appropriate footwear these are my baseball shoes.

Keep swinging for the fences.


All Weather Shoes

All winter in SoCal we were threatened by meteorologists (fancy for weatherman) with the pending wrath of El Niño and well it has been a very dry (we are in a severe drought in Cali if you haven’t hear) and actually very warm winter. Don’t tell the rest of the country, they will want to move here and truly I can’t handle any more traffic on the 405 freeway.

Without getting all scientific, this is a shoe blog after all. I found out El Niño or its full Christian name El Niño Southern Oscillation (or its call sign ENSO) simply means there is a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central equatorial Pacific region and then moves across the ocean affecting weather patterns.  Kind of like when unsavory types move in next door – there goes the neighborhood. And El Niño has a rival La Niña which is the same thing but a cool phase rather than warm. Think of them as Loki and Thor, the Bloods and the Crips, the Montague’s and Capulet’s, peanut butter and jelly, you get the idea. The ENSO cycle of both El Niño and La Niña causes global changes of both temperatures and rainfall. Doesn’t always mean there will be more rain, just a change in overall weather patterns.

So in SoCal we were dry and hot this time around, and the rest of the country had a very different experience this winter. Sorry about that. But we are in a severe drought in Cali. You have too much rain and we don’t get enough, Sounds like Goldilocks. Its kind of like taking mushrooms (from what I hear) different for every one.  But the weather changes can be devastating, affecting the agricultural industry and increasing epidemic diseases all over the world. So maybe the Bloods and Crips might be the best analogy. When they pass through town maybe nothing will happen, but if it does, most likely its not going to improve the neighborhood.

Whew, glad we now understand all that. But more importantly, what shoes to wear in the rain? Well it depends on if its light rain (mostly in SoCal) or heavy rain. Light rain you can still wear leather that has been treated, just make sure your shoes don’t have a leather sole, which can be slippery. Plastic is always slippery in the rain, this is when you want rubber soles. If you have worn flip- flips in the rain you know a fall is waiting to happen. If there is a lot of heavy rain in your part of the world invest in rain boots. Not the most glamorous, but they do come in a whole bunch of bright fun colors (to make up for the gloomy weather) so go nuts, lime green goes with everything. Whatever you do, don’t wear suede. Suede is persnickety. No moisture ever, not rain, not humidity. Those infamous blue suede shoes only can come out to play in perfect weather conditions.

And if you live in Southern California, you don’t need to worry about what shoes to wear, if it’s raining we just stay home.

Stay dry everyone.


Ode to Spring

Spring has sprung! The quick and unscientific explanation of Spring Equinox is that the days will finally have more sunlight hours than nighttime hours. But this is only if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, syke Southern Hemi. This was the earliest Spring Equinox in 120 years. Why you ask? Because of it being a leap year. Why does that matter? Again a bunch of boring Gregorian calendar stuff dating back to 1562 and really it has nothing even remotely to do with shoes. Here’s the short of it; spring happened ¾ a day earlier. Did you feel the change? It’s like an earthquake under 1.5 on the Richter scale, no one notices.

Why does all this matter? Quick botany lesson, a lot of plants (especially the one’s we like for food) need more hours of sunlight to trigger their internal clocks to bloom. They stay dormant until sunshine hours are longer. The opposite is true for poinsettias; they are triggered to bloom when there are less daylight hours, which is why we have poinsettias during December, because the daylight hours are short. Of course all of this can be manipulated now with electricity.

But Spring by its very nature means the end of hibernation. It sparks hopefulness in humans as well as blooming plants. Look up Ode to Spring on the Internet, your search will trigger about a billion songs, poems, essays etc… Most of these homages to Spring will have Beethoven’s Ode to Joy as back ground music. Which is a solid choice if only slightly cliché’. It’s still a marvelous piece of musical genius. People love the hope that comes with longer warmer days. I get it. I love long warm days too. I have lived entire my life in SoCal. But I have been in some pretty hash weather. I get it. Winter sucks!

I raise my ceremonial imaginary glass to you Spring. I too am hopeful by the increase in sunshine in my life. May all your plants literally and figuratively flourish! Oh and we are only one week away from being able to wear white shoes, if you follow such things. Happy Spring!
