Camp vs. Cute

Truly it should be camp verses cute, verses kitschy verses cheesy. And yes there is a difference.

Camp is so extreme that it has an amusing and sometimes perversely sophisticated appeal. Over the top and farcical, intentionally exaggerated so as not to be taken seriously.  Think the movies ‘The Little Shop of Horrors’ and ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’.

Camp is often confused with kitsch. But kitsch is more single items not an entire work of art per say.

Camp sometimes is also described as cheesy, to confuse things. To make things even more confusing cheesy and cute are often bantered about together. Might as well throw in tacky for good measure.

I figure some examples might help.

RuPaul, Liberace, Paul Lynde all camp

Meg Ryan in her famous roles, so cute.

Kitschy is harder to define think lava lamps, trucker hats and Thomas Kinkaid paintings.

Cheese is many many horror movies and also RomComs and how we love both. No judgment, cheese it is highly entertaining and a cheap guilty pleasure.

And lastly tacky, when all these ideals can blend into something horrible like Roseanne Barr singing the National Anthem.

Still confused?

Not to worry, I saw these shoes and almost bought them home, but somehow the kitsch, camp verses cute; tacky didn’t work for me personally. Maybe if I was a 17-year-old girl or a drag queen I could of made it work. Besides sharks are vicious and aggressive, I’m a more honey badger meets Labrador.




Missing Shoes

Last seen somewhere in Florida, maybe or Boston, ok pretty sure it was in US. Hardly worn and deeply missed by the other shoes in the family.

I’m not exactly sure when they decided to go it alone, without me, so not positive if they are missing or they are a runaway.

Considering how much I travel, I’m surprised I haven’t lost more shoes.

This makes the 3rd pair, well technically only 2 ½ pairs I have lost. I have the right shoe of a pair lost in Las Vegas.  I wish there was a fabulous story about my left shoe.  Unfortunately, losing things in Vegas is not an uncommon occurrence. And lastly, one lost pair of flip flips, left by the pool, not a tragedy.

The saddest part of losing this pair is that they were such a good find. I acquired them in San Francisco at a DSW closing sale, I literally wrested a drag queen for them. Yes, drag queens and I have the same taste in shoes. They know glam that is without a doubt! Ladies go to an upscale drag queen bar– you will feel very dowdy, this I know from first hand experience.  And sadly we wear the same size. Ok, he was a petite queen- not a RuPaul version.

It does bother me that I don’t know where or when we parted ways- but sometimes its just time to let it go. However, should you see a lowly pair of gold sparkle pumps hitch hiking or working in a diner in the Midwest, please tell them to come home.

Reward pending.
