Shoe shopping is the best form of retail therapy ever!
No stress! Sometimes even indulgent, like visiting the spa.
If you are in a fancy boutique- sit down- they don and doff your selections for you- lovely.
If it’s a fancy fancy pants establishment they bring you tea, sparkling water or champagne. Yes please!
It’s never embarrassing to ask for a bigger size. Not like with jeans, dresses, and lord help me bikinis. Not that I have even tried to wear a bikini since I was 13 years old.
Shoes never make you look fat. I can’t think of one pair of shoes that adds pounds. Even clown shoes with their huge proportions seem to have a slimming effect.
Shoes don’t judge.
Shoes don’t make you feel sad, inadequate or lonely.
Pretty shoes are pure joy.
Put on a beautiful pair of shoes right now- Walk around- your mood will improve- I promise.
Finding a beautiful pair of shoes on sale is like discovering its happy hour when you step into a lounge to relax. A bona fide it’s not your birthday- birthday surprise.
Earlier this year I was in NYC; I was feeling blue. I made the pilgrimage to my favorite DSW in the country… and there they were… pink satin happiness waiting for me—on sale- in my size. It’s the little joys in life we must cherish